Monday, December 15, 2008

Stress levels reaching max, patience reaching all time low....

Right now, I have a screaming headache. I could have something to do with my 3 year old running around making Jedi noises at the top of his lungs. The 1 year old has a love affair with the silverware drawer and has discovered how to get herself completely, and I do mean completely undressed, which she likes to do with a dirty diaper. My 7 year old is yelling about the Wii when he should be reading his book. My 9 year old has lost my guitar tuner, which he is blaming on anyone else, is refusing to practice his guitar and when he finally is coerced into playing, he is playing the wrong chords so as to make everyone who is within earshot cringe. My husband had a late meeting at work (although thank God he has one!) so his dinner is sitting out on the table and the little two are trying to eat it (and have managed to polish off all the cheese). I haven't gotten to the ol' list of presents that need to be made, so I have a bit of stored-up frustration there too. And if Hubby doesn't get home soon, I'm going to be late to church for choir practice-better hit Confession first!!! Let's hope the Motrin kicks in soon..... Tomorrow will be a better day!! (Or else!)

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