Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Craft Show Craziness

I've had a craft show this past weekend with rather short notice so I've been rushing around trying to get many rosaries made for the show. The show was for breast cancer patients in the parish that hosted the show and it felt wonderful to donate a good percentage of the sales to that cause. I have 2 more shows on Nov. 1 and Nov. 8.

I have been thinking about adding a "line" of First Communion dresses and maybe Baptism gowns as well. So I bought some fabric to make a prototype or two and show it at the craft shows to see what peoples reaction to them will be. That should be an indicator for whether or not to proceed with this crazy idea. Of course, I got some fabric for clothes for myself (I need some tops). I also got some fabric for a halloween custom for DD#1 and some patterns that didn't make the photo.

Last weekend, we went apple picking and pumpkin hunting at our local fruit farm. We had a great time. DD works well in the backpack carrier, otherwise she would eat the rotten apples on the ground and generally run off in any direction. This way she is happy to sit up there, take in the view, and taste test the apples. She prefers one in each hand.

DS#3 picked about 10 pumpkins; I think this is the one he went home with! DS#1 took the longest to find his, he needs to make everything dramatic-he even needed to go to the farthest reaches of the patch just to make sure he had the "best one". DS#2 picked his, was happy-so much like his dad!
Happy Sewing!

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